Virginia 4-H Military Clubs

Military 4-H Partnerships are supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 4-H Headquarters; U.S. Army Child, Youth and School Services; U.S. Air Force Child and Youth Programs; U.S. Navy Child and Youth Programs; and Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H Program (Virginia Tech and Virginia State University) through grant funding at Kansas State University.

Naval Air Station Oceana

Naval Air Station Oceana Midway Manor

Naval Station Norfolk

Naval Support Activity Northwest Annex

Naval Support Activity South Potomac -Dahlgren

Naval Weapons Station Yorktown

Norfolk Naval Shipyard Portsmouth

Join 4-H

age eligibility

Youth membership in 4-H is based on the following age categories:

  • Cloverbud 4-H Members: 5-8 years old
  • Junior 4-H Members: 9 - 11 years old
  • Intermediate 4-H Members: 12 -13 years old
  • Senior 4-H Members: 14 - 18 years old

For each of the above categories youth must turn the entry age during the 4-H year, October 1 through September 30.  That is youth who turn 5, 9, 12, and 14, between October 1 and September 30, participate in these respective categories.  Eligibility for 4-H membership terminates on December 31 of the year the member has his/her 19th birthday.    

4-H provides a wide variety of educational opportunities and experiences.  Some clubs specifically focus on the Cloverbuds (youth ages 5-8), some clubs require youth to be at least 9 years old to join, some clubs are just for teens and others are for youth of all ages.  Therefore, you should ask about age requirements when you request information. 


Where to find us IN VIRGINIA

Locating Local 4-H Clubs:

4-H can be found in all counties and most cities across the state of Virginia.  To learn more about 4-H and how military youth can become a member of a county or city 4-H program, contact the Virginia Cooperative Extension Officenearest you and ask about the 4-H program. 

Locating On Installation 4-H Military Clubs:

4-H clubs have also been organized on 11 military installations with 14 different locations.  The Virginia installations or sites with 4-H Military Clubs supported by the 4-H Military Partnership Grant are as follows:

Fort Belvoir

Fort Lee

Joint Base Langley - Eustis/ Eustis 

Joint Base Langley - Eustis/ Langley Air Force Base

Join Base Myer - Henderson Hall

Joint Expeditionary Base Fort Story/Youth

Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek/Youth

To learn more about 4-H Military Clubs, you should email or call local Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H Agents who are contacts for 4-H Military Clubs. Read more . . .